The past week was marked by the extraordinarily powerful Women’s March in Washington DC and throughout the world and the question of what happens next from the new administration and those who are passionately opposed to many of its policies. Have a listen to the flashmob’s I Can’t Keep Quiet while perusing our curated nonprofit tweets of the week:
- GOOD: Be prepared for the next 4 years. The Good Survival Guide
- CalNonprofits: Trump’s Really Big Show Moves On to Threaten Sanctuary Cities: What Will It Mean for Nonprofits? NPQ
- Inside Philanthropy: Donor dollars and the new attack machine gunning to destroy Trump’s presidency: http://bit.ly/2jVCjdM @davidbrockdc @mmfa @American_Bridge
- Gene: Lawmakers Hope to “Unlock” More Giving in Tax Reform Effort … – @RepKevinBrady
- Cathy Clark: 5 Trends in Giving That Will Shape #Philanthropy in 2017 | npENGAGE https://goo.gl/U3e5ZR #impinv
- Nonprofit Quarterly: Social Media Capital for Nonprofits: How to Accumulate It, Convert It, and Spend It http://hubs.ly/H05_8RM0
- Sarah Reckhow: Philanthropic Data and the Rise of LLCs; Or, What Happens when Scholars Can No Longer Follow the Money | HistPhil
- Fast Company: This blockchain thing is really happening, time to learn what it is. 2016 in review: http://buff.ly/2iMzatW
- Washington Post: Meet the rogue Twitter accounts created to fight Donald Trump on climate change http://wapo.st/2j6d9dk
- Gene: Law firms working for social good – nice recognition & great company @scottmcurran @kylewestaway @WilkMazz [@marcjlane] @MoFoLLP ABA Journal

Rest in peace Mary Tyler Moore.
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