Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – September 14, 2012

Tweets Globe Lo-Res

Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:

  • Chronicle of Philanthropy: See how Obama & Romney compare on key issues for nonprofits
  • Mark Schmitt: Does Citizens United mean your boss can tell you who to campaign for? FEC thinks so, so does Romney:
  • Emily: The Role of the Nonprofit Board: Four Essential Factors for Effective Governance – The Huffington Post - Alice Korngold 
  • Emily: What Every Nonprofit Board Needs to Know – Forbes 
  • Nonprofit Quarterly: Practice of overvaluing gifts in kind in various orgs is under scrutiny
  • Beth Kanter: A review of David La Piana's new book, "The Nonprofit Business Plan" 
  • AFJ Bolder Advocacy: Legal Battles on Voting May Prove a Critical Issue in Election
  • Rob Reich: Important questions about collective impact efforts, by Emmett Carson part 1  & part 2
  • Council on Foundations: Estimate that PRI $ in last 5 years has doubled.
  • Beth Kanter: Reflections from Stanford Nonprofit Management Institute: New Skills for a Complex World
  • Lucy Bernholz: Part 5 of 5 in series on tech + giving. The rules that matter.
  • Law For Change: Aren't you curious? Who Is a Social Entrepreneur? via Huffington Post
  • Good Counsel Book: Good counsel can help great nonprofits maximize impact.

For more interesting tweets, follow me and Emily on Twitter.