The big news this week was the end of the government shutdown. Back to business (at least for a few months). Have a listen to Todd Rundgren's Bang the Drum All Day (I Don't Want to Work) while perusing this week's tweets: on nonprofits, philanthropy, governance and social enterprises:
- Gene: Philanthropy Must Help Heal the Breakdown in Democracy – Chronicle of Philanthropy because gov't [has supplemented the economy as] America's biggest problem NYT Blog
- Nonprofit Quarterly: Urban Institute analysis shows nonprofits are losing donors at a relatively fast rate
- Guidestar USA: Trust, But Verify: Why Volunteer Screening is So Important
- La Piana Consulting: Nonprofit Partnership: Are You Ready? | On Our Blog
- Nonprofit Law News: Combinations and Alliances among Nonprofit Organizations | by Venable LLP
- AFJ Bolder Advocacy: What Do Nonprofits Want To Become Stronger Public Policy Advocates? Report by Sue Hoechstetter
- Craig Newmark: Hey, I'm a fan of tech for social good. Recently, I invested in Great Nonprofits to create a Yelp for nonprofits:
- Gene: Expanding the Boundaries of Philanthropy through Giving Circles – Effective Philanthropy
- Bridgespan Group: For those listening to Adaptive Philanthropy webinar, Susan's blog series on the topic is here:
- Alice Korngold: A cautionary tale: The demise of the NYC Opera, & the board's role: NY Times
- Ellis Carter: Blast from the Past – our most popular blog post ever – Top 10 Nonprofit Governance Mistakes
- Nonprofit Law News: The 15 Most Common Nonprofit Bylaw Pitfalls: How to Avoid the Traps | by Venable LLP
- Gene: Lawyers Hosting Event For Judges Does Not Count As Charity – Chicago Tribune
- Michelle Baker: The 5 P's of Social Entrepreneurship —