I'll be on Nonprofit Radio today at 10:30 am PT / 1:30 pm ET talking with Tony about Dan Pallotta's viral video on TED, The way we think about charity is dead wrong. You can catch us live or on iTunes.
Listen to Depeche Mode's Wrong as you peruse this week's list of tweets:
- Pro Publica: Announcing Nonprofit Explorer, a simple way to search 990s for nearly 616k nonprofits: http://propub.ca/13kbtfK
- Gene: Silicon Valley's philanthropy disconnected from the community – http://www.ssireview.org/blog/entry/local_resources_for_local_needs
- C. Garger Siegrist: Settlement ends Hershey Trust probe http://ow.ly/kSDRM
- Gene: Banning nonprofits from certain businesses http://nonprofitquarterly.org/policysocial-context/22251-alabama-s-persistent-nonprofit-for-profit-war-extends-to-animal-clinics.html | protecting biz or hurting public
- Nonprofit Law News: Internet Fundraising for Tax-Exempt Organizations http://lawdai.ly/11Wg0SM | by @ProskExemptBlog
- Gene: Top Ten Tips for Preventing Theft and Embezzlement http://charitylawyerblog.com/2013/04/01/top-ten-tips-for-preventing-theft-and-embezzlement/ – from Charity Lawyer Blog
- Debra Beck: Are your board members good problem *finders?* Common barriers http://bit.ly/11GPpJe [Part One]
- Debra Beck: Problem-finding: What boards need http://bit.ly/13WnOFM [Part Two]
- Emily Chan: California May Introduce Social Impact Bonds via Nonprofit Law Matters http://flip.it/H5TzD
- Stanford Social Innovation Review: Scaling is easier said than done. Five critical questions nonprofits should answer before trying to scale: http://ow.ly/kSL10
- Jed Emerson: New SJF/Duke Report on Accelerating Impact!! http://bit.ly/12gtb2A