Camelback Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona
On Tuesday, Erin and I gave a presentation on committees to the Finance Professionals Network and Human Resources Network at CompassPoint. Today, I'm on a panel with nonprofit lawyers Eve Borenstein and Ellis Carter discussing small nonprofit organization issues at the American Bar Association meeting in Phoenix. Have a listen to Glen Campbell's By the Time I Get to Phoenix while perusing this week's tweets on nonprofits, philanthropy, governance and social enterprises:
- Rick Cohen: MLK Day: What Is the Legacy? my 2012 commentary on MLK "Day of Service" progs & where they fall short of MLK message NPQ
- Gene: Honored to let Institute for War and Peace Reporting use Nonprofit Law Blog content for positive civil society & social change efforts in Iran. #MLKDay
- Guidestar: What does net neutrality mean for nonprofits? Lucy Bernholz, @p2173, shares her thoughts:
- Philanthropy: Charitable Deduction Probably Safe for 2014, Say Experts
- Nonprofit Quarterly: LinkedIn stresses that volunteering matters by launching a new volunteer marketplace
- Philanthropy: Op-ed on donor-advised funds: "The only policy that makes sense is to impose payout requirements…"
- Nonprofit Law News: IRS Issues New Guidance for Exempt Hospitals: Proposed Procedures for Correcting… | by DWT
- Law for Change: LawForChange Blog: IRS Announces Streamlined Procedures to Reinstate Tax-exempt Status [Ed. The article is written by Ellis Carter.]
- Gene: The World Changing Ideas Of 2014 FastCo | "A public company will become a benefit corporation"
- Bill Gates: Melinda Gates and I released our Annual Letter. Read how life is improving around the world
- UNICEF: Wealth of half world’s population the same as that of 85 richest people. Via Oxfam #inequality
- Michele Berger: Proud to launch NEO Law Group's new video series- Tips on Starting a Nonprofit! 1st video, Selecting the Board: YouTube [Ed. Michele is our ace legal assistant, 3rd year law student, and video producer! Our Senior Counsel Erin Bradrick stars.]