Lots of nonprofit-related events and news this week, none stirring as much controversy as the Susan G. Komen Foundation decision to stop funding Planned Parenthood for breast cancer examinations and other breast health services. Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:
- Kivi Leroux Miller: The Accidental Rebranding of Komen for the Cure - http://ow.ly/1h4ImG
- Gene: Lesson – develop & live by organizational values – not directors' personal values. Duty of loyalty. [Agree with Pete Manzo]
- Lisa Chiu: IRS fines nonprofit Food for the Hungry re overvaluations of medicine: http://philanthropy.com/article/IRS-Levies-Fine
- National Council: What were the Top Ten policy issues for nonprofits in 2011? Find out in this Nonprofit Advocacy Special Edition http://bit.ly/zA8hDF
- Emily: An Executive Director’s Guide to Financial Leadership: 8 key principles for sustained financial health via Nonprofit Quarterly – http://bit.ly/xcBcTL
- Patrick Sternal: IRS will eventually catch most online UBI – TheNonProfitTimes - http://shar.es/fp2Ir | Good basic guidelines (even if "eventually" = x→ ∞)
- Lucy Marcus: Is it time for you to step off the board? You’ve got to know when to go Reuters Opinion – http://reut.rs/zjcNpG
- Emily: Who’s Financing the ‘Super PACs’ – Graphic – NY Times – http://flpbd.it/jFMW
- Zoe Wong: Lots of socent language in Mark Zuckerberg's IPO letter to prospective investors http://ti.me/w3VLQr via TIME
- Gene: Operating In Two Worlds: Tandem Structures In Social Enterprise – http://bit.ly/AFqhih
- Liz Maw: The BBC’s take on Davos panel's on lost generation: http://bbc.in/AcGvlw & some perspective from Global Shapers: http://wapo.st/z7KWUQ
And one last item: I was quoted in today's New York Times regarding a contemplated merger between two nonprofit news groups. Nonprofit journalism and nonprofit mergers are fascinating areas of the law (at least for me).
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