Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – February 22, 2013


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The Nonprofit Law Blog reached a milestone the past week, crossing the 1 million pageview mark. We plan to make some changes to increase our reach in the near future. In recognition of the Academy Awards, listen to the Oscar-nominated song Suddenly from Les Miserables as you peruse this week's tweets of the week:

  • CVNL Capacity For Change: 7 trends affecting the nonprofit sector – TheNonProfitTimes 
  • AFJ Bolder Advocacy: California nonprofits — lobbyist prosecutions on the rise. Use @AFJBeBold compliance guide to stay legal! 
  • Foundation Center: Board Compensation in Grantmaking Foundations: Reasonable and Necessary?
  • Gail Perry: My favorite 12 Ways to Liven Up Your Board Meetings —and Your Board!
  • AFAM: Executive Directors have to be less afraid of sharing with the Board about what keeps them up at night. #nonprofitcapacity
  • Gene: Seven Principles: Developing New Social Enterprises – CSR WireJim Fruchterman
  • Center for Social Innovation: A 10-point plan for those who want to be world-changing social entrepreneurs:  Forbes
  • Stanford Social Innovation Review: SSIR's 10th anniversary issue is out–with 16 special essays, a supplement on innovating government, & more:
  • Foundation Center, SF: Nonprofit legal issues? Gene Takagi & Emily Chan are in the house 3/4 to discuss legal issues facing new orgs: