Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – August 17, 2012

Tweets Globe Lo-Res

Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:

  • Emily: News Analysis: Virginia and Penn State Boards Showed Perils of Secrecy via Chronicle of Higher Education
  • Gene: Penn State trustees voice support for NCAA action - 
  • Patrick Sternal: Nonprofit hospitals face state hearing on tax-exempt status LA Times
  • Emily: Summary of U.S. State laws on electronic voting by nonprofit boards by BoardEffect (via BoardSource)
  • Debra Beck: New post: Letter to a young(ish) board member What I wish I knew when I joined my first board
  • Carlo Cuesta: Must read: External influences on nonprofit management. Great article by Ruth McCambridge of Nonprofit Quarterly 
  • LaPiana Consulting: 3 moments of personal & professional inspiration from last week's Alliance conference
  • Lucy Bernolz: "If Komen were a public company, the DOJ would be all over it"
  • Wiser Earth: Corporate Social Responsibility: Distinction or Distraction? – Businessweek
  • Michael Nam Nguyen: “Success can be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations you are willing to have.”

For more interesting tweets, follow me and Emily on Twitter.