Last weekend, the Nonprofit Law Blog hit 2 million views. Thanks all for reading & sharing our resources (1,600+ posts) to help nonprofits!
Stay informed of the week’s notable events and shared resources with this curated list of Nonprofit Tweets of the Week.
Notable Events of the Week:
- “The Supreme Court ruled Monday that federal anti-discrimination laws protect gay and transgender employees, a major gay rights ruling written by one of the court’s most conservative justices.” Washington Post
- “As details emerged of what happened when the Atlanta police shot and killed Rayshard Brooks as he fled from them outside a Wendy’s restaurant in Atlanta, lawmakers and leaders drew parallels and contrasts with the other recent police-involved killings of black people that have ignited protests across the nation.” NY Times
- “The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected the Trump administration’s attempt to dismantle the program protecting undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children, a reprieve for nearly 650,000 recipients known as “dreamers.”” Washington Post
Top 10 Nonprofit Tweets:
- Nonprofit Quarterly: .@GivingUSA 2020 report is out! What can this report on the state of philanthropy in 2019 tell us? Maybe more than might be evident at first glance… https://bit.ly/30MuFb3 #GivingUSA2020
- BDO Nonprofit: Now more than ever, we need our #nonprofits to be viable and continue their critical work. Our annual Nonprofit Standards Benchmarking Survey report offers actionable insights from 200 #nonprofit leaders on critical issues and benchmarks. Get it here: https://bit.ly/2XtQ6f2
- Building Movement Project: NEW RELEASE: BMP is pleased to announce the release of our newest report, which is based on over 5,000 responses collected from staff across the nonprofit sector! Check out the new #RacetoLead report here: http://bit.ly/R2LRevisitedReport
- Chronicle of Philanthropy: “The best statements that have come out in this past week acknowledge the author organization’s failings in centering black lives in their own work.” Statements About George Floyd Are a Start, but How Will Organizations Live Their Values?
- Brianna Sacks: People have raised millions for the Black Lives Matter Foundation Only thing is this nonprofit has nothing to do with the global movement. It’s run by an LA music producer who says his org’s mission is to unite the community and police BuzzFeed
- Nonprofit Quarterly: “I don’t know if he or many of my white male friends, most of whom are now in their 30s and 40s—have ever really allowed themselves to reflect deeply on and tap into the ways racism has and continues to harm them.” https://bit.ly/2A56yth #Racism #BlackLivesMatter #BLM
- Marc Gunther: Why is the @FordFoundation borrowing $1 billion to give away now? Is it wise move? My story for @Medium https://link.medium.com/EC1CaxHWm7 #philanthropy
- Daniel Rabuzzi: Important timely analysis by @LaPianaConsult COVID-19’s Impact on Nonprofits’ Revenues, Digitization, and Mergers @SSIReview @SCotenoff #nonprofit #Mergers #sustainedcollaboration #nonprofitleadership
- Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II: We believe this Saturday, June 20th, will be the largest digital gathering of the poor, dispossessed, and impacted people in this nation’s history. Join us! RSVP now: http://June2020.org [Ed. Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival]
- Gene: Five Key Updates for Nonprofits: Staying Ahead in 2020 and Beyond feat @ErinBradrick & @CGarberSiegrist – June 25 at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET [American Law Institute CLE]
Black Lives Matter:
An American Spring of Reckoning (The New Yorker)
How the movement that’s changing America was built and where it goes next (Rolling Stone)
Policing in America is Broken and Must Change. But How? (NY Times)
Listen to ‘1619,’ a Podcast From The New York Times
Awake to Woke to Work: Building a Race Equity Culture (Equity in the Center) [Also listen to EiC Executive Director Kay Suarez on a special episode of Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio from June 9, 2020]