Stay informed of the week’s notable events and shared resources with this curated list of Nonprofit Tweets of the Week.
Notable Events of the Week:
- “A highly anticipated first summit meeting between President Biden and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia ended early on Wednesday and was described by both sides as a series of polite but adamantly stated disagreements about which country is the greater force of global disruption.” NY Times
- “For the first time in 12 years, Israeli lawmakers voted Sunday to install a government led by someone other than Benjamin Netanyahu, breaking a two-year electoral deadlock, marking a likely shift toward the political center and ending — for now — the reign of the country’s longest-serving prime minister, and one of its most consequential.” Washington Post
- “As US states lift more coronavirus restrictions, experts are worried people who aren’t fully vaccinated could contribute to further spread of the virus. … The Delta variant “appears to be significantly more transmissible than even the Alpha variant or the UK variant, which is now dominant in the United States,” [US Surgeon General] Murthy told CNN.” CNN
Top 10 Nonprofit Tweets:
- Gene: One of the most important nonprofit board #governance reports, Leading with Intent: BoardSource Index of Nonprofit Board Practices, was just released today. Read about it and download the report at Leading with Intent
- NY Times: MacKenzie Scott, one of the richest women in the world, announced on Tuesday a third multibillion-dollar round of donations in less than a year. Scott who was married to Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder, gave away nearly $6 billion in 2020. MacKenzie Scott Reveals Another $2.74 Billion in Giving
- Benjamin Soskis: Some good analysis from Mike Scutari. “Seeding by Ceding.” Unpacking MacKenzie Scott’s Latest $2.7 Billion Giving Spree
- NCRP: #ICYMI: Our 45th-anniversary edition of Responsive Philanthropy is out! Read our reflections on @NCRP’s accomplishments in its first 45 years and conversations on how #philanthropy can be better in the near future and another 45 years from now.
- Nonprofit Law News: Senate Bill Proposes Dramatic Changes for Donor Advised Funds and Private Foundations | by @pbwtlaw
- Linda Rosenthal: Donor Disclosure Hottest Ticket: Part 2 [Ed. Also see Part 3 published the same day.]
- Nonprofit Quarterly: Trending in #Management & #Governance: Are Your Organization and Its Board “Access Able”?
- Rick Moyers: ICYM new @Hewlett_Found research on how funders seek and use knowledge. It has important implications for those of us who seek to influence philanthropic practice. Headline: soaring interest in DEI resources; peers are still top source of knowledge. https://bit.ly/3xc47Nr
- Jesse Drucker: 1/ MY LATEST: How private equity conquered the US tax system: IRS virtually never audits a $4.5 trillion industry. With @dannyhakim (THREAD) Private Inequity: How a Powerful Industry Conquered the Tax System [Ed. Tax law professor Dorothy Brown commented: “Here’s another example of NYT tax reporting ignoring race. Private equity: Rich white guys winning under our tax rules that they helped write. Private Inequity: How a Powerful Industry Conquered the Tax System”.]
- Ezra Klein: This is the conversation about poverty that America doesn’t want to have: We discuss the poor as a pity or a blight, but we rarely admit that America’s high rate of poverty is a policy choice, and there are reasons we choose it over and over again. What the Rich Don’t Want to Admit About the Poor
Black Lives Matter:
So You Want to Learn About Juneteenth? (Derrick Bryson Taylor, NY Times)
Watch a Never-Before-Aired James Baldwin Interview From 1979 (Adrienne Westenfeld, Esquire)
The Racial Reckoning That Wasn’t (Code Switch)
Black women have always led the fight for reparations. ‘They’re not getting their due,’ historians say. (Hannah Good, The Lily)
Olympic protest ban: ‘My community made me, not my country, not the flag, not the IOC’ (Miriam Walker-Khan< BBC)