I’m in Washington DC this week and had the great pleasure of seeing the cherry blossoms and attending a reception held by the National Council of Nonprofits before its big Confab. Have a listen to Andra Day‘s Rise Up (yesterday was Cesar Chavez Day) while perusing our curated nonprofit tweets of the week:
- Gene: IRS processed 787,339 exempt org returns in 2014 & examined 6,392 exempt org & related taxable returns in FY 2015 IRS 2015 Data Book
- Stacy Palmer: Fewer Groups Got Charity Status in 2015, but Numbers Still High https://shar.es/1Yypye by @AlexDanielsCOP
- Ray Madoff: Opinion: Now or Forever: Rethinking Foundation Life Spans https://shar.es/1YyHnL via Philanthropy
- Town & Country: The name game: An inside look at the politics of donations: http://townand.co/6017B9YYU
- Chronicle of Philanthropy: 7 pitfalls to avoid when building a diverse nonprofit staff http://bit.ly/1SmC02d
- CalNonprofits: Thank you to all who’ve called Assemblymember Jim Frazier urging him to withdraw AB 2855, a bad bill for nonprofits. http://bit.ly/STOPAB2855
- Bridgespan Group: The key to becoming effective for #nonprofits: invest in #management capabilities. Read more http://bspan.org/1pFNhEg
- Nonprofit Quarterly: The 3rd article in @ynpn & NPQ’s #EDISeries evaluates funding for #socialjustice movements. NPQ
- Stanford Social Innovation Review: A “blended capital” approach is encouraging both #foundations and venture capital investors to fund #edtech http://ow.ly/ZRref
- Mashable: 8 ways to meaningfully support social justice movements http://on.mash.to/1UPkRTi
- Jed Emerson: “Impact Investments: Why Short-sightedness Scuttles Opportunity – Knowledge@Wharton” ( http://twitthat.com/OSL3z )
- Pew Research Center: 10 demographic trends that are shaping the U.S. and the world http://pewrsr.ch/1TlLGyD
- UCLA Labor Center: The CA legislature has just voted and approved the $15 mimimum wage increase! http://lat.ms/1VcDeSu
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