This week I had the pleasure of attending the Wharton Social Impact Conference (see Storify). Have a listen to Ramy Essam‘s Irhal (anthem of the Egyptian protests in Tahrir Square) while perusing our curated nonprofit tweets of the week:
- La Piana Consulting: 6 assumptions + 3 critical uncertainties = 9 key trends affecting the charitable sector from @IndSector
- Council of Nonprofits: 2015 Nonprofit Trends to Watch
- Council of Nonprofits: Why bother w/advocacy? Good description of value of advocacy Policy Agenda 4 any #nonprofit
- Independent Sector: The Senate Finance Committee’s working grps on tax reform are now open to comments frm the public. Send yours today: SenateFinanceCommittee
- Nonprofit Quarterly: California revokes the tax-exempt status of Blue Shield, how will this affect the healthcare insurance industry?
- Manny / Diabetes: So you want to start a Private Foundation? Via @GTak
- Rusty Stahl: The Wrecking of a “Blue-chip” New York Nonprofit
- For Purpose Law: Pa. Supreme Court To Consider Attorney-Charity Confidentiality | Nonprofit Issues
- CreateEquity: With introduction of Form 1023-EZ & streamlined procedures, IRS has significantly reduced 501c3 applicant backlog
- Philanthropy: Opinion: Impact Investing Can Help Foundations Avoid Obsolescence @BillBurckart
- Amy Sample Ward: Thanks, @nonprofitorgs, for the awesome #15NTC storify recap!
- Fast Co. Exist: The world changing ideas of 2015 from @fastcoexist:
- Bridgespan Group: Don’t miss out! Follow the TechSocial blog series on @FastCoExist. @AbeGrindle starts us off : #transformativescale
- Alex Counts: Just published blog on what impact investing can learn from #microfinance … on @CFI_ACCION blog
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