Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – 3/19/21

Stay informed of the week’s notable events and shared resources with this curated list of Nonprofit Tweets of the Week.

Notable Events of the Week:

  • “A gunman’s rampage that killed eight people, including six women of Asian descent, in the Atlanta area this week has set off a new wave of fear and outrage among Asian-Americans, coming in a year of anti-Asian violence across the country. … “Racially motivated violence should be called out for exactly what it is and we must stop making excuses and rebranding it as economic anxiety or sexual addiction,” Representative Marilyn Strickland, a Democrat of Washington State, said on the floor of Congress on Wednesday. “As a woman who is Black and Korean I am acutely aware of how it feels to be erased or ignored.”” NY Times
  • “As Helen Kim Ho learned that a White man with a self-described sex addiction was charged with killing eight people — including six Asian women — at spas in the Atlanta area on Tuesday, she imagined the stereotypes of Asian women that must have run through his head. “We’re not really Americans, we’re perpetually foreigners, and that idea plays out with women as being oversexualized,” said Ho, a Korean American and a founder of the advocacy group Asian Americans Advancing Justice in Atlanta. “All of that had to have played out in this man’s own mind. In addition to the unspoken notion that Asian people are easy targets.”” Washington Post
  • “The group’s propensity for violence and extremism was no secret. But the “F.B.I. and other agencies had often seen the Proud Boys as they chose to portray themselves, according to more than a half-dozen current and former federal officials: as mere street brawlers who lacked the organization or ambition of typical bureau targets like neo-Nazis, international terrorists and Mexican drug cartels.” NY Times

Top 10 Nonprofit Tweets:

Black Lives Matter:

2-day Racial Equity Workshop led by Racial Equity Institute

Justice Denied: An Overview Of The Grand Jury Proceedings In The Breonna Taylor Case (NAACP Legal Defense Fund)

The bias facing Black and Asian Americans reflects a broader problem (Stephen Collinson with Caitlin Hu, CNN)


Pixar’s Soul Made History (But Still Has One Big Racial Issue) (Zack Krajnyak, ScreenRant)