We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Have a listen to Alanis Morissette‘s Thank U while perusing our curated nonprofit tweets of the week:
- Fast Company: The mastermind behind the #GivingTuesday social media phenomenon: http://buff.ly/1Hk3ZAA
- Sandra Feinsmith: Exempt Organizations IRS Priorities https://lnkd.in/e8xSBQb
- La Piana Consulting: 15 ways nonprofits collaborate to create impact – a [VIDEO] intro to the #CollaborativeMap http://ow.ly/UOJxl
- Nonprofit Quarterly: How much of the money in donor-advised funds actually gets distributed to #nonprofits? http://hubs.ly/H01r5kh0
- Rebecca Cappy: California Compliance Update: @CA_FPPC Revises Rules for Ballot Measure Disclosure, May Impact Nonprofit Advocacy AFJ Bolder Advocacy
- Alice Korngold: Choosing a #nonprofit board http://bit.ly/1NazvkY . What u need 2know http://bit.ly/1kQFZen . ROLE of the board http://huff.to/1Lf8v1V
- The SF Foundation: Must watch: This video brought down the house at @policylink #equity summit. @mayda1 #BLM #Fightfor15 http://ow.ly/URwMI
- Matt Ford: … my look at Korematsu v. United States, Syrian refugees, and the lessons for today The Atlantic
- Forbes: Melinda Gates is the world’s most powerful advocate for women & girls http://onforb.es/1Xpwdvz
- Community Partners: What’s preventing donors from investing in ‘big bet’ social change? New report explores http://bit.ly/1OqxOit @SSIReview @BridgespanGroup
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