Wednesday, October 21, 2015 was Back to the Future Day, the day Marty McFly traveled to in order to save his future kids. Have a listen to Huey Lewis and the News‘ Power of Love while perusing our curated nonprofit tweets of the week:
- Council of Nonprofits: What does 2045 hold for the #nonprofit sector? Go #BacktotheFuture with us #np2045
- For-Purpose Law: Telefundraising Is Most Likely Target of Attorneys General The NonProfit Times [Ed. Important: preliminary findings from nation-wide research project on state charity regulations – fundraising abuses are by far the most common areas of enforcement.]
- BoardSource: @BridgespanGroup discusses how to reverse the trend of nonprofits’ failure to develop homegrown leaders: SSIR
- Nonprofit Quarterly: Nonprofits have a lot to learn from listening to the Nobel prize winner in economics.
- Nonprofit Quarterly: The problem with strategic #philanthropy targeted journalism. Case in point: the Gates Foundation.
- Council of Nonprofits: Why every #nonprofit needs a gift acceptance policy More war stories via @InsidePhilanthr
- Michael Rosen: Latest blog post: “When Should You Refuse a Gift?”
- For Purpose Law: Escaping the Perpetuity Mindset Trap Nonprofit Quarterly
- Gene: For Clinton Foundation, Big Gains in Rwanda, Despite Pitfalls NY Times
- Venture Beat: Indiegogo launches a new standalone crowdfunding platform for nonprofits and social causes
- Michelle Baker: Can B Corps take companies beyond the bottom line? – #bcorp
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