On August 11, I will be participating on a panel to discuss Basics, Best Practices, and Trends in Nonprofit Corporate Governance for the American Bar Association’s Annual Meeting held this year in San Francisco. The session sponsored by the Nonprofit Corporations Committee of the ABA Business Law Section will be moderated by my colleague Barbara Rosen of Evans & Rosen.
I will be joined on the panel by Andras Kosaras, Director of Ethical Standards and Philanthropic Outreach, Council on Foundations, Belinda Johns, Deputy Attorney General, State of California, and Stephen Schwarz, Emeritus Professor of Law, UC Hastings College of the Law. I believe that attendees will benefit from the various perspectives the presenters bring to the discussion. While the coverage of the basics may simply reinforce the knowledge of some attendees (and that’s a good thing too), the most interesting portions of the program will be the discussion on best practices and trends from the perspectives of a practitioner, a philanthropic director, a regulator, and an academic.
Please stop by and say hello if you are able to attend.
Basics, Best Practices and Trends in Nonprofit Corporate Governance
August 11, 2007 – 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Fairmont Hotel, French Room (lobby level)
950 Mason St.
San Francisco, CA 94108