2024 SSIR Nonprofit Management Institute

The Stanford Social Innovation Review’s 2024 Nonprofit Management Institute (NMI), “What’s Next for the Social Sector? Strategies and Tactics for Today’s Agile Leaders,” will be held on September 17-18, 2024. This year’s NMI will be a hybrid conference allowing for in-person and virtual attendance. You can register here.

The organizers have done a fantastic job of selecting sessions that cover a number of important and current issues affecting many nonprofits and the sector as a whole. They include:

I’m very excited to be joining Keesha Gaskins-Nathan, Director, Democratic Practice Program–United States Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Judith LeBlanc, Executive Director, Native Organizers Alliance, for the last session on climate change. Here’s a description of the session:

Climate change will impact everyone, so it’s important that forward thinking leaders prioritize climate action as part of their strategic plan now, even if climate is not their organization’s core mission. Climate-related extreme weather events are already directly affecting many organizations: impacting the vulnerable populations they serve, disrupting their important work, and posing threats to their physical locations.

I look forward to meeting some of our readers at the NMI. Please say “hi” if you see me!