At a meeting of the California Bar Association’s Tax Exempt Organizations Committee last Friday, the issue of the California Franchise Tax Board (“FTB”) revoking an organization’s state tax-exempt status for failure to timely file a Statement of Information with the California Secretary of State was raised. Several representatives of the FTB present at the meeting […]
More Bay Area Nonprofits That Lost Their Tax-Exempt Status
On June 8, 2011, the IRS identified 275,000 nonprofits that had their federal tax-exempt status revoked as a result of failing to satisfy their filing requirement for three consecutive years (read more about that here). Among the huge list of formerly tax-exempt nonprofits are 2,316 nonprofits from the following cities: Berkeley (367), Oakland (907), Palo […]
1,833 San Francisco Nonprofits That Lost Their Tax-Exempt Status
Among the over 275,000 nonprofits that were listed on the IRS automatic revocation list released last week were 1,833 nonprofits with San Francisco addresses. If you recognize any of these organizations as still active, let them know they should immediately take steps to apply for reinstatement. Download San Francisco Revocations
Inactive Organizations & Revocation of State Tax Exemption – California FTB
I recently responded to a comment on a listserv regarding an action by the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) to revoke a charity's state tax-exempt status for reporting no income on its annual registration renewal for several years running. The charity reported zero income between 2006 and 2009, resulting in the FTB revoking tax-exempt status […]
One-Time Relief Program for Small Organizations that Failed to File Form 990 for Three Consecutive Years
From the IRS website (July 26, 2010): Tax-exempt organizations that fail to satisfy annual filing requirements for three consecutive years automatically lose their tax-exempt status. The IRS is providing one-time relief that will allow small exempt organizations to come back into compliance and retain their tax-exempt status even though they failed to file for three consecutive […]