The November 13, 2008 edition of The Chronicle of Philanthropy included a very interesting special report "Priorities for a New President – Nonprofit leaders offer advice on what Barack Obama can do to aid charities and foundation."
- Offer Extra Tax Benefits for Gifts to Antipoverty Charities
- Create a Cabinet-Level Philanthropy Position
- Transform Political Giving Into Charitable Giving
- Provide Federal Assistance to Nonprofit Groups
- Create an Institute on Philanthropy
- What Philanthropy Offers the President*
- Establish an Office on Civic Engagement
- End Partisan Rancor to Build Society
- Work With Charities on Health Care
- Encourage Giving Overseas
- End America's 'Me First' Mentality
- Help Students Pay for College
- Simplify Rules That Fight Terrorism
- Rebuild Cities Across America
- Overhaul Policies on Energy
- Stimulate Giving to Charities
- Support Efforts to Improve Schools
- Require Service for All Students
- Increase Aid for the Arts
- Reach Out to Foundations
- Tighten Rules on Charity Solicitors
- Bolster Foreign Aid
- Don't 'Bankrupt the Future'
- Spur Efforts to Expand Businesses Abroad
- Fix the Economy
- Acknowledge the Efforts of Nonprofit Organizations
- Support Social Services
- Don't Overregulate Donors
* I recommend reading Gara LaMarche's advice, which reverses the frame of the question to ask what philanthropy and civil society can do for the President and our country. The charitable sector is not just another special interest group. Collectively, the sector offers some of our best thought leaders and strategists and is connected to the communities.