Quite the week for the IRS. Have a listen to Radiohead's Electioneering while perusing this week's serving of tweets:
- Rick Hasen: WaPo learned 5 things from the IRS report: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/five-takeaways-from-the-irs-report/2013/05/15/5d3d0802-bd73-11e2-b537-ab47f0325f7c_blog.html … NPR learned 10 http://n.pr/17wiBJi
- Nonprofit Quarterly: The IRS scandal should be a wake-up call for all that it's time to come to grips with the mess of 501(c)(4)s http://ow.ly/l4hxU
- L.A. Times: Michael Hiltzik: Political nonprofits are the real IRS scandal http://lati.ms/l2ucm
- Tax Policy Center: Regrettably the IRS has succeeded in making all (c)(4)s, on the right & left, even more immune from investigation http://bit.ly/126y5O5
- Lori Jacobwith: Today's Withism's from Lori: 5 Questions Every Board Should Ask http://ow.ly/l321y
- Foundation Center: [Infographic] Mission Investing http://bit.ly/18G6Oap
- Stanford Social Innovation Review: Cover story from our Summer 2013 issue: Exploring the conditions that foster breakthrough innovation in government: http://ow.ly/l70HY
- Bruce Campbell: Our own Seth Henry, helps bring the Benefit Corporation to Colorado, and writes of its importance on our blog: http://campbelllawgroup.com/2013/05/benefit-corporations-arrive-in-colorado/
- McKinsey on Society: Crowdfunding Landscape: Changing how people support social causes http://ow.ly/l2cyF