This weeks marks the first week of our new Senior Counsel Erin Bradrick. I am more than thrilled to be joined by Erin and look forward to seeing her do great things, particularly in the area of women's rights.
Have a listen to Independent Women while perusing this week's tweets:
- Good Counsel Book: 10 ways to make sure you are following corporate law | The NonProfit Times
- Ellis Carter: What to Expect when the IRS Audits Tax-exempt Entities:
- Gene: Rating the Charity Ratings Organizations –
- Nonprofit Finance Fund: Writing about the nonprofit sector? Illustrate with data from our 2013 survey of nearly 6000 orgs: #2013Survey
- Darian Heyman: Who knew? 40% of nonprofit income is from government & 40% is from earned income! – Jan Masaoka at Nonprofit Boot Camp #sm4np
- Emily Chan: Foundations and the 'New Normal': A Q&A With Bradford K. Smith, Foundation Center President via @pndblog
- AFJ Bolder Advocacy: Troubling article from @Philanthropy on Donor-Advised Fund Boom What Susan Hoechstetter thinks of DAFs: Bolder Advocacy
- Ashoka Seattle: Must Read – A Social Entrepreneur's dilemma: to be for profit or not for profit? #socent
- AAPIP: New report! Widening the Lens on Boys and Men of Color: Calif #AAPI and #AMEMSA Perspectives
- HuffPost Impact: Hillary Clinton to focus on empowering women and girls