In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the associated financial and social crises, and the rising racial justice movement, many nonprofits are looking at collaborations and mergers as a strategic response. But nonprofit leaders must understand at the outset the risks associated with such transactions. Following up on our recent post on motivations of nonprofits considering a merger (republished by Candid), we focus here on 10 common areas of risk associated with a merger. For purposes of this post, we simplify the idea of a merger as one between two public charities.
A nonprofit may consider the following merger risks, among others:
Financial risks
- acceptance of all of the debts, liabilities, and obligations of the other party, including any hidden or unripened liabilities (e.g., future lawsuit for a past act or omission resulting in harm);
- costs associated with the merger, including for pre-merger due diligence and post-merger integration;
- cash flow issues post-merger;
- weak internal controls of the other party;
Culture risks
- clash in values, including with respect to diversity, equity, and inclusion;
- differing ideas on the sharing of power and leadership styles;
- clash in workplace customs, preservation of the disappearing corporation’s legacy, communication styles, formality-informality in dress;
- management of differences in how clients, beneficiaries, and others are treated;
Programmatic risks
- changes to programs in the integration, including those related to the underlying beliefs that supported the past methodologies;
- possible termination of certain programs of the disappearing corporation, including post-merger;
Leadership risks
- removal or change in status of executive or other key managers inconsistent with their desires;
- loss of board members of the disappearing corporation, some of whom may be extremely valuable and/or opposed to the merger;
Employee risks
- disgruntled terminated employees or reassigned employees and the possibility of wrongful termination or other employment claims;
- other known and unknown employee-related claims of the other party;
- unhappy employees and the resulting reduction in productivity, job satisfaction, and recruitment and retention;
- unionizing activities (which may result in better employee benefits but at a cost);
- wrongful classification of employees as independent contractors by the other party;
Marketing / Goodwill risks
- bad publicity originating from those who object to the merger or others who may be opposed to the works or advocacy of either corporation;
- weakened branding if the surviving corporation’s brand gets diluted covering continuing programs and activities of the disappearing corporation;
- lost or diminished branding associated with the disappearing corporation’s brand;
Fundraising risks
- loss of support from some donors or funders to the disappearing corporation;
- loss of support from other donors opposed to the merger;
- reduction in support from some donors or funders who used to support both organizations;
- potential loss of bequests and other planned gifts intended for the disappearing corporation;
- grant compliance issues of the other party;
Real estate risks
- acceptance of liabilities and obligations of the other party relating to its real estate ownership and/or leases, including those resulting from environmental issues (e.g., hazardous waste) and safety issues;
- local taxes (e.g., transfer taxes) that may apply when title of property moves from the disappearing corporation to the surviving corporation, even if both corporations were exempt from property taxes;
Contract and license risks
- assumption of the contractual obligations of the other party and any liabilities that may arise from any past breaches;
- breach of certain contracts if any notice provisions regarding a merger are not complied with;
- termination of certain contracts that provide as a termination event an assignment or a change to the contracting party as a result of a merger;
- termination of the disappearing corporation’s licenses, permits, certifications, and/or accreditations that may not be assumed by the surviving corporation;
- any identified or unidentified partnership liability obligations of the other party;
Tax-exemption and public charity classification risks
- acceptance of past compliance issues of the other party relating to tax-exemption and the consequences of its noncompliance;
- change in the surviving corporation’s public support ratio or other public support factors, which may threaten to tip the charity into private foundation status;
Other risks
- failure of the surviving (merged) corporation to be qualified and/or registered in states/jurisdictions in which the disappearing (merging) corporation operated and in which surviving corporation will newly operate;
- insufficient insurance protection; and
- inheritance of the other party’s problematic relationships with regulatory agencies or key political actors.
Additional Resources on the Blog
Nonprofit Mergers β Part 2: Step-by-Step
Nonprofit Mergers β Part 1: Basic Legal Considerations
Nonprofit Mergers β Due Diligence Items
CLE: Nonprofit M&A: Potential Benefits, Risks, and Alternatives