Affiliated Organizations: Sharing Resources

In a previous post (“Affiliated Organizations: Sharing Employees“), we examined how an affiliated 501(c)(3) organization and 501(c)(4) social welfare organization (or 501(c)(6) business league) can “share” employees. Such affiliations provide an ability to coordinate activities and share resources to more effectively and efficiently further a common goal. But, as...

Affiliated Organizations: Sharing Employees

It is becoming increasingly common to see 501(c)(3) organizations affiliated with 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations or 501(c)(6) business leagues. Such affiliations provide an ability to coordinate activities and share resources to further a common goal. But the affiliated organizations must maintain appropriate separation to mitigate against the risks of...

Bar Associations and Advocacy

A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of speaking to leaders of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) attending its Western Regional Conference. Following the Conference, I participated on a NAPABA webinar – Speaking Out – Advocacy and Rapid Responses to Urgent Issues. Here are some...

House Appropriations Bill Passes to Weaken Enforcement of Johnson Amendment

Yesterday, the House Appropriations Committee failed to pass an amendment to the appropriations bill (largely along party lines), leaving in a controversial rider (Section 116) that would effectively prevent the IRS from enforcing the 501(c)(3) prohibition against political campaign intervention activities (known as the Johnson Amendment), but only specifically...

Take Action Today to Protect the Nonprofit, Religious, and Foundation Communities!

So far, 5,500+ charitable nonprofits, community and private foundations, and for-profit entities have signed the Community Letter in Support of Nonpartisanship to protect the 501(c)(3) community from the ravages of partisan politics.  The NEO Law Group is proud to have been one of the first organizations from all 50 states to have signed. Why? Because if the proposal...