On Wednesday, October 28, 2015, Erin, along with Jean Tom of Davis Wright Tremaine, will be leading a discussion on the basic legal considerations involved in forming a California nonprofit. To RSVP to this event, which is hosted by the Yale Alumni Nonprofit Alliance, please email Jason Kass at jasonkass@dwt.com.
Inactive Organizations & Revocation of State Tax Exemption – California FTB
I recently responded to a comment on a listserv regarding an action by the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) to revoke a charity's state tax-exempt status for reporting no income on its annual registration renewal for several years running. The charity reported zero income between 2006 and 2009, resulting in the FTB revoking tax-exempt status […]
The End of Small Nonprofits That Have Not Filed Form 990
Today is the last day for up to 380,000 nonprofits to file some version of Form 990 or automatically lose their tax-exempt status. Many of these organizations have been abandoned, and it will be of value to get them off the books. But it is believed that a substantial number of small organizations (with annual […]
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