Earned Income 101 for Nonprofits – Webinar

Earlier today, Emily and I presented Earned Income 101 for Nonprofits for Nonprofit Webinars.  You'll find our PowerPoint presentation on the site.  I've reproduced the introduction here: Many nonprofits use earned income as a source of revenue generation. For example, it was estimated in 2008 that nearly 70% of the $1.4 trillion generated by nonprofits came from […]

Nonprofit Radio: Earned Income & Unrelated Business Income Tax

This month on Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio, Emily and I discussed with Tony the topics of earned income and the unrelated business income tax.  You can listen to a recorded version here or check it out (in a few days) on ITunes. Frequently Asked Questions Note:  To provide a more easily understandable overview, we answered these in general terms […]