The Boalt Social Enterprise Group, Berkeley Center for Law, Business and the Economy (BCLBE) and the Impact Law Forum are excited to present a ground-breaking symposium on social enterprise law and finance! The symposium will explore cutting-edge legal issues faced by social enterprises in different stages of growth. We’ll...
Social enterprises are businesses whose primary purpose is the common good. They use the methods and disciplines of business and the power of the marketplace to advance their social, environmental and human justice agendas. … In its early days, the social enterprise movement was identified mainly with nonprofits that used business models and earned income strategies to pursue their mission. Today, it also encompasses for-profits whose driving purpose is social. Mission is primary and fundamental; organizational form is a strategic question of what will best advance the social mission. – Social Enterprise Alliance
Entrepreneurs with social goals must consider many factors in determining the appropriate structure – whether it involves a nonprofit organization, a for-profit entity (including the so-called hybrid entities—B corporations, benefit corporations, flexible purpose corporations, and L3Cs), or both. Understanding the different forms and utilizing the appropriate ones may be critical in the implementation of the social/business plan.
Can My Business (Social Enterprise) Be a Nonprofit?
Erin Bradrick is presenting a free webinar for GrantSpace (Foundation Center) on Wednesday, February 26, at 11 am – noon PT / 2 – 3 pm ET: Can My Business Be a Nonprofit? As the activities of nonprofit and for-profit organizations continue to blur with the commercialization of charities and...
Popular Posts from 2013
To close the year, here are links to some of the most popular posts from 2013 (in chronological order): CalNonprofits: Step by Step Guide for Starting a Nonprofit 10 Issues to Address in Your Nonprofit's Social Media Policy Starting a Nonprofit: 10 Considerations in Electing the Initial...
Social Enterprises: Nonprofits vs. For-Profit
I'm honored to be speaking tomorrow at the 2013 BoardSource Leadership Forum on Social Enterprises: Nonprofit vs. For-Profit. Here's the description in the program: As the activities of nonprofit and for-profit organizations continue to blur with the commercialization of charities and the growth of socially purposed taxable entities,...
Recap of 2013 Net Impact Conference
The 2013 Net Impact Conference: Change Starts Here kicks off today, and I'm tremendously excited and honored to be a speaker and attendee. I'll be updating this blog post throughout the 3-day conference and live-tweeting whenever possible (@GTak - #NI13). Thursday, October 24 Tour of Google. Very cool...
Blending Profit and Purpose: The Future of Hybrid Organizations
I'll be moderating the session Blending Profit and Purpose: The Future of Hybrid Organizations at the Net Impact Annual Conference taking place in Silicon Valley from October 24-26. The panelists are: Robert Lang, CEO and Founder of Americans for Community Development and creator of the first L3C (low-profit limited...
California Benefit Corporations
What is a benefit corporation? A benefit corporation is a new corporate form allowing for-profit entities to pursue social and environmental goals along with the traditional objective of maximizing profits. The benefit corporation movement grew out of the business community – where social entrepreneurs felt that the traditional corporate...
Benefit Corporations – A Move Away From Capitalism?
Last month, North Carolina’s legislature rejected a benefit corporation bill, asserting that it would be a “move away from capitalism.” This reasoning seems misplaced. If our own history tells us anything about capitalism, it’s that its form is both dynamic and changing. The Oxford Dictionary defines capitalism as...
All Eyes on Delaware’s Public Benefit Corporation Legislation
Last month, with great fanfare, Delaware’s governor Jack Markell introduced legislation providing for the creation of public benefit corporations. Enjoying broad, bipartisan support, the new law is expected to be quickly approved and put into effect as early as August 1, 2013. That Delaware has decided to legislatively...
Socially Responsible Businesses Get a Boost from Local Governments
In the past year, San Francisco and Philadelphia have taken an exciting lead in encouraging socially responsible businesses by offering them financial incentives. In April 2012, San Francisco passed an ordinance granting California Benefit Corporations a bidding preference on city contracts. During each stage of the proposal selection...
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