Michele Berger

Michele Berger, Senior Counsel with NEO Law Group, is a 2022 Rising Star (Northern California Super Lawyer), author of How can the board of a bar association prevent and respond to sexual harassment? (American Bar Association Bar Leader Magazine, Sep/Oct 2018), and a contributor of over 50 published articles...

Emily Chan

Emily Chan is the American Bar Association, Nonprofit Organizations Committee's 2012 Outstanding Nonprofit Lawyer – Young Attorney and an associate attorney with Adler & Colvin.  She started her legal career with NEO Law Group and was a past contributor to the Nonprofit Law Blog from 2008-2013, authoring over 70...

Gene Takagi

Gene Takagi is a Principal at NEO Law Group, Contributing Publisher of the Nonprofit Law Blog, and a Part Time Lecturer at Columbia University. At NEO, Gene has represented over 800 nonprofit organizations on corporate, tax, and charitable trust law matters. Gene is a popular writer on nonprofit legal topics and...