California Regulations: Charitable Fundraising Platforms and Platform Charities – Part 2

On March 24, 2024, California approved final regulations governing charitable fundraising platforms (CFPs) and platform charities (PCs). These regulations implement Assembly Bill No. 488 (AB 488), an act that generally went into effect on January 1, 2023.  You can find the new regulations codified in Government Code Section 12599.9 here. This post, the...

California Regulations: Charitable Fundraising Platforms and Platform Charities – Part 1

On March 24, 2024, California approved final regulations governing charitable fundraising platforms and platform charities. These regulations implement Assembly Bill No. 488 (AB 488), an act that generally went into effect on January 1, 2023. You can find the new regulations codified in Government Code Section 12599.9 here. This post, the first...

California Laws: Registry of Charitable Trusts

In California, the Attorney General regulates charities, the professional fundraisers who solicit on their behalf, and other persons and entities that hold charitable assets or operate charitable fundraising platforms. The information below (except for the headings and an additional hyperlink for our readers’ convenience to the Registry Verification Search...

Crowdfunding Laws: Platform Charities

In 2021, California passed a new set of laws (referred to as AB 488) regulating charitable crowdfunding that go into effect on January 1, 2023. AB 488 makes changes to the Supervision of Trustees and Fundraisers for Charitable Purposes Act, which governs charitable corporations, unincorporated associations, trustees, commercial fundraisers,...

Highlights from the ABA Exempt Organizations Committee Meeting 2/1/22 – Part Three

Tax Issues for Fundraising Platforms, Donors and Donees “Charitable fundraising platforms” are websites, mobile apps, or other internet-based technology platforms that facilitate or enable charitable solicitation or charitable giving.  There are many types of charitable fundraising platforms – both for-profit and nonprofit. Among the many types are those focused...