Donor-Advised Funds in 2005

The Chronicle of Philanthropy (May 4, 2006) reported that assets of the nation’s largest donor-advised funds grew by a median of more than 20 percent from 2004 to 2005.  Likewise, the amount granted to charities from these donor-advised funds increased by 20.8 percent from 2004 to 2005.  Officials at...

Donor-Advised Funds

The term "donor-advised fund" is not statutorily defined; yet the donor-advised fund (DAF) is an increasingly popular vehicle of charitable giving that has had a particularly substantial impact on philanthropy over the past several years.  The Chronicle of Philanthropy reported that the 88 organizations that provided figures for both...

Donor-Advised Funds – Bay Area

From "Donor-Advised Funds:  Assets, Awards, and Accounts at a Sampling of Big Providers," The Chronicle of Philanthropy (April 28, 2005) (reporting 2004 figures and comparisons to 2003): Peninsula Community Foundation (San Mateo): Assets:  $370,575,777 (+7.7%) Amount distributed to charities:  $75,240,090 (+88.4%) Number of funds:  414 (+3.2%) Amount contributed to...