More on Nonprofits and Climate Change

I’ve been writing and speaking on the responsibilities of virtually all nonprofits and their leaders to consider climate change (and pollution) in planning and decision-making. See, for example, What’s Your Nonprofit Doing to Fight Climate Change? Expectedly, I’ve received some push back from attorneys and others about the requirement...

Movement Organizations

Social movements are collective efforts, some organized, some impromptu, with a goal to bring about some change important to movement participants. Well-known movements that have resulted in beneficial changes include those for civil rights, women’s rights, children’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, worker rights, immigrant rights, environmental rights, animal rights, democracy,...

Upswell 2023: Decline of Nonprofit Advocacy & Public Engagement

Independent Sector commissioned research to fill a 20-year gap in data around nonprofit advocacy and civic engagement (i.e., nonpartisan voter engagement) activities through a nationally representative quantitative survey and complementary qualitative interviews of nonprofit institutions. The research, was presented in a workshop at Upswell 2023. Workshop/Report Highlights Nonprofits today...

Extension: Responses to Ways and Means Committee Request for Information on Nonprofit Political Campaign Intervention

The deadline for responses to the Ways and Means Committee request for information regarding nonprofit political activities, inappropriate use of charitable funds, and rise in foreign sources of funding has been extended from Labor Day to Friday, September 8, 2023. We previously wrote on the politically biased request for...

Ways and Means Committee Requests Information on Nonprofit Political Campaign Intervention

Two Republican leaders of the Ways and Means Committee have recently become concerned about nonprofit political campaign intervention activities and, on August 14, 2023, published an open letter requesting information from 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations regarding their political activities. From a political perspective, this is an interesting twist as...